Monday, June 18, 2007

Slow on the outflow

RG has already blogged about the Maui trip, and said pretty much everything I wanted to say about it, so there you go.

Except for...

Is my current existence only for the furtherance of other people's bulls**t? The movie work is worthwhile, but the regular job...

Maui cut through a lot for me. Made me look at what the hell I think I'm doing. Made me think that it's time, that no matter what, I have to find something else and soon.

Otherwise, you might as well laminate me to my chair and call me a fixture.
Pictures of the grand vaca soon!


Anonymous said...

blog blog blog. I miss your blog!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, blog more!

Phoebe J. Southwood said...

Instead of getting laminated, you could get Plastinated (tm) by Gunter von Hagens, originator of Plastination as seen in the BodyWorlds exhibits.