Title of one of my favorite movies and the appearance of Bryce Canyon and the peculiarly-named Kodachrome Basin. We drove out to Bryce after our mildly harrowing experience traversing the airport in Vegas. We stopped maybe once to take photos along the way, but once you enter the southern end of Bryce Canyon (known as Red Canyon), you realize how far off the map you feel, even though the map is really well-drawn.
Strange formations, produced by thousands of years of slow erosion, begin small and grow and grow and grow until they nearly blot out the sky. And (just like everyone told me) the sky looks bluer than it does anywhere else. So pretty. Between RG and myself, we shot nearly four hundred photos in Bryce. From the 6x7 camera, I had one of our local labs scan in all my negatives. A small sample, and you can get to the rest via Flickr:
We stayed at Ruby's Inn, a Best Western property that's been there for nearly a hundred years in one form or another. The discoverer of Bryce Canyon (Ebenezer Bryce), in laconical cowboy fashion, described Bryce as a "helluva place to lose a cow." Reuben "Ruby" Syrett built a small Tourist Rest lodge at the outskirts of the Park, and it has since morphed into a place where you can bring an RV, stay in the lodge, eat at the buffet, and so on and so on. Very tourist-tacky and yet quaint, RG and I found ourselves relatively happy with the accommodations (nice pool), and with a short ride to various jumping off points to hike into the canyon.
So, RG and I took ourselves down one trail, and it became apparent immediately that we were in no shape to do what we were trying to do. Either acclimation to the altitude or our own general torpidity back home had not prepared us for the steep climb back out of the steep, downward climb we first attempted (after walking the canyon rim for about a half mile). End of the day, we wuz tired.
Strange formations, produced by thousands of years of slow erosion, begin small and grow and grow and grow until they nearly blot out the sky. And (just like everyone told me) the sky looks bluer than it does anywhere else. So pretty. Between RG and myself, we shot nearly four hundred photos in Bryce. From the 6x7 camera, I had one of our local labs scan in all my negatives. A small sample, and you can get to the rest via Flickr:
We stayed at Ruby's Inn, a Best Western property that's been there for nearly a hundred years in one form or another. The discoverer of Bryce Canyon (Ebenezer Bryce), in laconical cowboy fashion, described Bryce as a "helluva place to lose a cow." Reuben "Ruby" Syrett built a small Tourist Rest lodge at the outskirts of the Park, and it has since morphed into a place where you can bring an RV, stay in the lodge, eat at the buffet, and so on and so on. Very tourist-tacky and yet quaint, RG and I found ourselves relatively happy with the accommodations (nice pool), and with a short ride to various jumping off points to hike into the canyon.
So, RG and I took ourselves down one trail, and it became apparent immediately that we were in no shape to do what we were trying to do. Either acclimation to the altitude or our own general torpidity back home had not prepared us for the steep climb back out of the steep, downward climb we first attempted (after walking the canyon rim for about a half mile). End of the day, we wuz tired.